Updates & News

Pension Warrior Updates and News

The NUCPP works to ensure pension funds of hardworking Americans remain solvent and beneficial to all members, retired and active.  NUCPP services are steadfast in the concerted effort to educate, inform and advocate for accountability, reform and restoration of multiemployer pension funds. NUCPP services exist to make a difference and develop new standards to safeguard Central States Pension Funds and all multiemployer pension funds.  NUCPP promotional services promote public awareness of the need to protect and reform pensions to ensure solvency for multiemployer defined pension fund participants.


December 23, 2024

Dear Pension Warriors/Security Retirement Warriors,

The NUCPP Board of Directors and Advisory Board Members wish you the best of Holidays. Looking back over the past nine years, we have many reasons to be thankful. We can’t help but be grateful for all the Warriors we have met over the last nine years. Many have become our friends forever; unfortunately, we lost some along the journey, but we will remember them always. 

It was a busy and productive year. We were honored to be invited to the White House on several occasions and guests of the Democratic National Convention, where we had the distinct privilege of thanking President Biden on behalf of all of us for saving our pensions and publicly endorsing Kamala Harris for President.   Although we lost strong legislative security retirement advocates in Washington, we will continue our critical mission to protect issues including pensions, social security, and Medicare.

We thank Bernie Anderson, NUCPP Treasurer and head of the Membership Committee, for his work over the past nine years. Bernie will be stepping down from the NUCPP Board of Directors but will remain on the Advisory Board.  We are grateful for his time,  dedication, and friendship.  

From the NUCPP Board of Directors and Advisory Board Members, please join us as we relax and spend meaningful time with our families and friends during these holidays. We will be in touch after the New Year as we determine our best path forward.  As always, we thank you for your continued support of the NUCPP. 


NUCPP Board of Directors

Ken Stribling, President

Davey Grubbs, Vice President

Bernie Anderson,  Retired Treasurer and Membership Director

Dale Hanner, Treasurer and Membership Director

Dana Vargo, Director of Communication/Madam Secretary

Frank Pastorino, Legal Liaison and Trustee

Tom Schwarzenberger, Trustee

Cynthia McDaniel, Trustee

Dana Vargo