Updates & News

Pension Warrior Updates and News

The NUCPP works to ensure pension funds of hardworking Americans remain solvent and beneficial to all members, retired and active.  NUCPP services are steadfast in the concerted effort to educate, inform and advocate for accountability, reform and restoration of multiemployer pension funds. NUCPP services exist to make a difference and develop new standards to safeguard Central States Pension Funds and all multiemployer pension funds.  NUCPP promotional services promote public awareness of the need to protect and reform pensions to ensure solvency for multiemployer defined pension fund participants.


August 24, 2024

Good morning Pension Warriors!

We hope you were able to watch Kenny Stribling and a small group of Pension Warriors on stage on Tuesday, August 20th, as we thanked the Biden Administration for saving our pensions.  It was a fantastic experience, and we only wish all of you could have been with us to share the excitement.  While we went to thank the President, the appreciation for the hard work and success of the NUCPP was overwhelming.  So many other union members there benefited from our years of hard work, and they were so appreciative.    

In case you didn’t get a chance to see the event, here is a link:

Teamsters, Sen. Peters praise Harris supporting union workers (

Again, Pension Warriors, thank you for everything you did to join us in saving the pensions that affected so many.  

Thank you for your continued support of the NUCPP!

Take care and stay safe.

NUCPP Board of Directors

Dana M. Vargo

Director of Communications

Dana Vargo