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Pension Warrior Updates and News

The NUCPP works to ensure pension funds of hardworking Americans remain solvent and beneficial to all members, retired and active.  NUCPP services are steadfast in the concerted effort to educate, inform and advocate for accountability, reform and restoration of multiemployer pension funds. NUCPP services exist to make a difference and develop new standards to safeguard Central States Pension Funds and all multiemployer pension funds.  NUCPP promotional services promote public awareness of the need to protect and reform pensions to ensure solvency for multiemployer defined pension fund participants.


For Immediate Release

June 11, 2024

Contact: Dana Vargo, Director of

National United Committee to Protect Pensions Endorses Joe Biden for Re-election

 Washington, DC -- Recognizing President Biden’s record of commitment to retirement security for every American, the National United Committee to Protect Pensions (NUCPP), a grassroots advocacy organization to protect retirement security issues, including pensions, Social Security, and Medicare, today endorsed Joe Biden for re-election as President and Kamala Harris as Vice President.

 The NUCPP was established in 2016 as a grassroots movement to protect the hard-earned pensions of millions of Americans across the United States. Retirees from 64 Committees to Save Pensions in 32 States across the Country traveled to Washington, DC. They walked the Halls of Congress, and thousands of retirees, their families, and neighbors called and emailed congressional members for eight years until March 2021, when President Biden proved to millions of retirees and active workers that he is a man of his word.  Before his election in 2020, he promised he would save the hard-earned pensions of many Americans in the multiemployer pension system. Within 49 days of being sworn in, President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. This Bill saved millions of Americans' pensions, including retirees and active workers. It positively impacted their families, communities, churches, and small businesses and affected more than 10.1 million hard-working Americans.  

After the pension issue was resolved in 2021, the NUCPP determined it was necessary to change its Mission Statement to include acting as a ‘watchdog’ for all retirement security issues, including pensions, Social Security, and Medicare.

 “The stakes for seniors are crucial in the November election,” said NUCPP President Kenneth Stribling. “Not only does President Biden continue to be pro-labor, but he also supports Seniors and promises to protect Social Security and Medicare.  He has already worked to lower drug prices, which affects so many Americans. There is no doubt that Social Security and Medicare need to be fixed. But the question remains: ‘On whose back is that going to fall?’ If Social Security and Medicare are under attack, we will activate our forces again and make our voices heard in Washington and at the ballot boxes in November. This time, when our Pension Warriors, nka Retirement Security Warriors, are activated, they will include more than active and retired union workers. Social Security impacts Democrats and Republicans, labor and office workers, and active and retired Americans.  Social security and pensions are not entitlements, as many legislators would like you to believe.  We earned these benefits and deserve what we were promised. Another misconception that some in Washington want you to believe is that Social Security is part of and included in the national budget and debt, which is untrue.  Social Security operates independently from the rest of the federal government, is self-funded, and is not subject to the annual budget process.”

The NUCPP was bipartisan from the beginning and continues to be. Still, our Retirement Security Warriors support those who promised and delivered for us in the past regarding saving our pensions. We will continue to help those who vote to protect Seniors and retirement security issues. Our Retirement Security Warriors will work to ensure that President Biden and Vice President Harris are re-elected, as well as others who support retirement security issues and the middle class, regardless of their party affiliation. 

Dana Vargo