Updates & News

Pension Warrior Updates and News

The NUCPP works to ensure pension funds of hardworking Americans remain solvent and beneficial to all members, retired and active.  NUCPP services are steadfast in the concerted effort to educate, inform and advocate for accountability, reform and restoration of multiemployer pension funds. NUCPP services exist to make a difference and develop new standards to safeguard Central States Pension Funds and all multiemployer pension funds.  NUCPP promotional services promote public awareness of the need to protect and reform pensions to ensure solvency for multiemployer defined pension fund participants.

#4 NUCPP AT WORK 08.21.22 - Trustee Lynch Thanks Congressman Veasy

August 21, 2022 

Pension Warriors, 

Gary Lynch, NUCPP Trustee and Co-Chair for the Texas Pension Protection Committee, recently met with Congressman Marc Veasy from the Texas 33rd Congressional District to thank him and the Democratic Party for supporting the retirees and active workers and for their help in getting the American Rescue Plan Act passed in March, 2021.

As we get closer to the 2022 Elections, please remember to thank those that have helped us in the past and to vote for whoever will continue to support those issues that are most important to you. 


REMINDER- NUCPP HOLDS SECOND ANNUAL MEETING ON NOVEMBER 8-9, 2022 IN KANSAS CITY. Please watch your mailboxes for further information coming soon!


Pension Warriors, thank you for your continued support of the NUCPP.

Take Care and Stay Safe!

NUCPP Board of Directors 

Dana Vargo, Secretary


Dana Vargo